Saturday, September 4, 2010


I must be crazy! My husband and I ripped out the carpet, pad, tack strip and baseboards. Does anybody out there know that they staple the pad to the sub-floor? Not only did we have various nails but it seemed like 100's of staples that we had to hand pull (with pliers) out of the sub-floor. We are down to the bare wood. Lots of uneven nail heads to pound in. We are both sweating like crazy. When we purchased the wood flooring at Sam's Club, a young girl came up to me and said, "My Dad wants to know if you need an installer". I thanked her and told her we were doing it ourselves. WHAT WAS I THINKING? I should have taken his number. This is not a simple task so far. I will take a few pics tomorrow of the before. Better get on YouTube and see if I can watch an installation video.


  1. This brings back memories of Country Club when we pulled out the carpeting expecting wooden floors...the carpet was so old it had a horse hair pad underneath! Got all the carpet pulled up only to discover there had been a flood in the dining room and livingroom...and was all plywood! I had to put in new carpet and ended up on a breathing tube with broncitis and upper respiratory infection!

    Hang in there can do can do anything!!!

  2. Remodeling can be a scary thing. You never know what might be hiding!
    I'm sure it will look great when you're finished. :)
